Walkie Talkie Lingo — 6 Ways to Sound Like a Pro

Walkie Talkie Lingo — 6 Ways to Sound Like a Pro
When you’re out on an adventure, a walkie talkie is an excellent tool to keep in touch with other people in your party. But when you’re talking on your device, you want to know the walkie talkie lingo to sound like you know what you’re doing.

People who use walkie talkies and short wave radios have come up with some lingo over the decades to communicate succinctly and clearly. Although walkies use radio waves to transmit sound, the sound’s quality may not be as clear as you’re used to on a smartphone.

Walkie talkie lingo creates short messages so that no information is lost in transit. When traveling in rural areas – out in the woods or on the slopes – a walkie talkie system is the best way to keep your party connected, which is why it's important to learn how to talk on a walkie talkie.

If you want to sound like an expert next time you take to the airwaves, here are six ways to display professionalism when using walkie talkie lingo.

1. Come In?


Starting a transmission on your walkie talkie and identifying who you’d like to speak with is integral to clear communication. With a group of walkies on the same radio waves, you must identify the person you’re talking to, or confusion may ensue.

Use the phrase, “Come in?” to ensure that the recipient hears you. To let people know who you’re calling, you should use the phrase, “Anthony for Muriel,” if you’re Anthony and you’re calling for Muriel. This helps others easily understand both who is calling and who is receiving.

2. Go Ahead


You can then say something like, “Go for Muriel,” giving Muriel a chance to speak.
If you’re not sure who is calling you, you can always use the phrase, “Go ahead,” which tells the recipient that they are free to speak and you will listen.

3. Affirmative and Negatory


There are a few key phrases that can make walkie talkie communication much more straightforward. Small words like “yes” or “no” may get lost in a crackly transmission, so people who use walkie talkies say “Affirmative” for positive responses and “Negatory” for a negative response.

4. Roger That

During the conversation, some key phrases let the recipient know you understand the message. Most commonly, if the message has been understood, you can say, “Roger that.”

“Disregard,” tells the receiver to dismiss whatever was previously said. “On it” means that you’re engaged in completing the task outlined in the conversation. Meanwhile, “Stand by” tells the receiver that you’re busy and will get back to them.

Finally, if you need to know where the other party is, you can ask, “What’s your 20?”

5. Do You Copy?


Sometimes, there will be obstructions that garble your messages. If this is the case, some phrases let your friend know their message hasn’t been received.

“Do you copy?” is a question posed to ensure that you’re hearing everything they’re saying. If you can hear everything, you can respond with “Loud and clear” to let them know that the communication is optimal.

If the message is garbled, say, “Mic check” to suggest that the other person check their walkie talkie or, “Say again?” to ask the speaker to reiterate.

6. Over and Out

As crucial as starting the conversation clearly, finishing the conversation in a definitive manner keeps everyone in the loop. When you’re done transmitting your part of the message, say “Over” to indicate that you’re ready to hear the other person speak.

If the conversation is complete, the word “Out,” lets the other party know you’re going to disconnect. Of course, if you have finished speaking and are disconnecting, “Over and out” is the proper response.

The Last Word

If you and your family and friends spend a lot of time outside as a group or enjoy RVing, two way radio lingo can help you keep in clear communication with each other. Midland Radios Walkie Talkie sets are perfect for an adventuring party because they are durable, easy to use, and reliable.