Two-Way Radios Part of Jeep Group's Efforts to Support Veterans

Two-Way Radios Part of Jeep Group's Efforts to Support Veterans

Midland Radio donated several two-way radios to the Evolution Jeep Alliance in an effort to support veterans.


Based out of Pennsylvania, the Evolution Jeep Alliance was founded by several like-minded members of a previous group.

“Some of us got back from an event and we realized we wanted to do something to give back to the community so we started Evolution Jeep Alliance so that we could run our club the way we wanted," Founding Member, Chris Ruchty said. 

The group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and runs monthly events at Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (AOAA), but also does parking lot meet-and-greets. 

The group has members of all off-roading skill levels and across multiple states.

“We’re open to all types of off-roaders at our events. We have everything from beginners to those who want to try and go out to run some red trails. We enjoy sharing our experiences and knowledge with those people who want to get into off-roading," Ruchty said.



The Evolution Jeep Alliance's largest event is Recovery for a Cause.

Each event features trail rides, raffles, and a recovery demonstration.

Last year the group benefitted an ALS charity and raised a little over $5,000. 

“We want to support organizations that are a little bit smaller and a little less known to the community."

This year the event benefitted Project Sanctuary. The organization serves not only veterans, but also their families. The goal is to "reconnect families, restore hope, and change lives through therapeutic retreat and long-term family support services." 

While Recovery for a Cause raised $5,000 last year, this year the event brought in $20,732 for Project Sanctuary.

“It was mind blowing all the support we’ve received from the Jeep community, but also the off-road community as a whole, it’s amazing to see what we can do for a common goal," Ruchty said.

Ruchty can't wait to present the organization with its check.

"It’s an amazing feeling to let them know what we did for them because they really have done so much for us.”

There were 122 vehicles at the event this year. He said the goal is to continue to build the event in order to keep making a difference in the community.

“Our goal is just to continue to grow this event and see how far we can go with it. Our goal is that someday this is a 500+ Jeep event.”

The Evolution Jeep Alliance Recovery for a Cause is set to return next year, but a date and non-profit organization to benefit has yet to be announced. 



Midland Radio donated an MXT115 MicroMobile Two-Way Radio, LXT630X3VP3 Two-Way Radio Three Pack, and ER10VP E+Ready® Compact Emergency Alert AM/FM Weather Radio to be raffled off at the event.

Ruchty has always been a fan of Midland two-way radios. 

“I’ve had Midland for forever. I had one of the CB’s. I’ve always liked Midland and when we were doing our research, it always led to Midland Radio and the MicroMobiles.”

Members like Ruchty have encouraged others to make the switch from CB to GMRS.

“When we started out, most everyone had CBs, but a few had GMRS radios. We learned that these radios had way more range than any CB I’ve ever used. These radios bring crystal clear communication.”

Ruchty said two-way radios are crucial to their time on the trails.

“It’s important for all the drivers in our groups to have radios. Even if they aren’t talking back to us, they need to hear what we are saying. It allows us to get out of our vehicles and spot, go through obstacles, and we don’t have to just yell out the window, everyone knows what is going on.”

He has an MXT275 MicroMobile® Two-Way Radio in his Jeep, in his wife's Jeep, and also four handheld radios. Ruchty reached out to Midland Radio to donate two-way radios to the event because he knows firsthand how reliable the company is. 

“They are always reliable and work awesome. I run one in my Jeep and one in my Jeep, but I like them so much I want to put one in all of my vehicles. That way no matter which vehicle I’m in, whether we are carpooling, I can get in and communicate with other family members or Jeep club members," he said.