October 15, 2021
Halloween is right around the corner and with the ease of pandemic regulations, that means the possibility for trick-or-treating and other activities.
Approximately 41 million kids will take to the streets in search of the best candy.
While Halloween is full of fun and excitement, it can also be dangerous.
According to Protect America, Halloween is the deadliest day of the year for children ages one through 18. This is largely because of pedestrian accidents, drunk driving accidents, slip and fall accidents, and burn injuries. The most dangerous hour during Halloween activities is 6:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. when the most people are out and about.
70% of parents do not accompany their children when trick-or-treating so it's important to make sure you're talking to your kid about Halloween safety. If you're not trick-or-treating with your kid, make sure you have a way to communicate with them. Walkie talkies are the perfect solutions.
If you make the decision to let your kid head out on their own in the neighborhood, it's important you know they're safe.
Walkie talkies give parents the ability to quickly check in with their trick-or-treaters to make sure they're ok.
This way you can remind them to look both ways when crossing the street, keep their flashlight out, don't talk to strangers, and you can even tell them when it's time to come home.
Most of Midland's walkie talkies also have NOAA Weather Radio or weather scan technology. This will make sure your kid is aware of any severe weather on its way, giving them time to get back inside.
These devices will be sure to give you and your trick-or-treater some peace of
Walkie talkies are easy to use, perfect for your kid of any age.
Just make sure to show your kid how to use them before they leave the house. Put your radio on the same channel and just push to talk. Kids will have fun learning to use them and communicating with you back at home base.
In fact, handheld two-way radios are so easy to use, your cellphone will seem inconvenient. You won't have to waste time sending a text message or making a phone call just to ensure your child is staying safe.
Don't worry about poor cell service with walkie talkies. You'll be able to reach your kids easily with no issues using walkie talkies. Because Midland's walkie talkies are so reliable, you can trust the communication between you and your kids is clear and crisp.
These handheld two-way radios also won't get overwhelmed like cell towers can if the neighborhood is filled with a lot of trick-or-treaters using devices.
When it comes to your kids' safety, don't gamble.
Midland recommends its X-TALKER T51X3VP3 Walkie Talkie Three Pack for your family this Halloween.
It's easy to use and you can count on clear reception, clear transmission, and clear sound quality.
With three walkie talkies in the box, you can keep one at home and give them to multiple groups of kids in case they're looking to split up to get more candy.
These radios have up to a 28-mile range with 22 channels to choose from.
In order to keep up with the possibility for severe weather, you can rely on the Weather Alert technology in these handhelds.
Not only do these walkie talkies have the features you need to stay connected, but because they're orange, they'll get the whole family in the Halloween spirit.
Midland's X-TALKER T31X3VP Walkie Talkie Three Pack is another great option for the family, especially if you're on a budget.
Coming as a three pack, you have options to split up the radios among the family.
These radios will keep your family talking throughout the neighborhood with up to 26-mile rage on 22 GMRS and FRS channels.
The T31X3VP is bundled together with AAA batteries, belt clips, and charging cables.