The Importance of NOAA Weather Radios and Why You Should Own One

The Importance of NOAA Weather Radios and Why You Should Own One

Hurricane, wildfire, and tornado season are still in full swing. With the addition of impending potential severe winter weather, preparedness is key. One way to do so is by ensuring you are informed with the help of NOAA Weather Radio.


NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is the United State's nationwide network of radio stations that broadcast constant weather information straight from the local National Weather Service office.

NWR brings Americans the latest info from the National Weather Service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The NWR in conjunction with the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) Emergency Alert System, is an "All Hazards" network, meaning users can go to one single place for comprehensive weather and emergency information. Working closely with federal, state, and local emergency managers, plus other public officials, the NWR broadcasts watch, warning, and post-event information for all types of hazards. This includes nature (earthquakes or avalanches), environmental (chemical releases or oil spills), and public safety (AMBER alerts or 911 Telephone outages). 

The NWR is known as the "Voice of NOAA's National Weather Service." It's free,  public service provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, part of the Department of Commerce. 

The network includes more than 1,000 transmitters, covers all 50 states, adjacent coast waters, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Pacific Territories. 



Here's a list of some of the NWR's alerts:

  • Flash Food Warning
  • Hurricane Warning
  • Severe Thunderstorm Warning
  • Tropical Storm Warning
  • Tsunami Warning
  • Avalanche Warning
  • Child Abduction Emergency 
  • Torando Warning


Preparedness and time could save your life in severe weather or emergencies.

With timely, life-saving alerts, those at home, off-grid, evacuating storm zones, etc. can enact their emergency plans and get to shelter. In the case of storms like tornadoes, time is precious. With NOAA Weather Radio, users get the alerts as soon as the National Weather Service issues them.

"Disasters can happen within days, hours, or minutes, and when your life is in danger, time is everything. Because it is an immediate and direct radio broadcast from the people who issue the warnings, NOAA Weather Radio remains the gold standard by which all other alerting devices are measured.  It’s the official “Voice of the National Weather Service”, and one should be guarding every home, school and business in America," Midland Meteorologist, Bruce Jones said.

Jones also finds it crucial to have multiple, redundant ways of receiving alerts. While cellphones are great, they can sometimes fail. When a tower becomes overworked alerts can be delayed or not even arrive at all. Also, in the case of the Camp Fire in Paradise, California, the towers didn't only become overloaded, but also damage, resulting in missed, delayed, or lost alerts, leading to loss of life.

"The average cell phone tower can handle only a limited number of connections.  During an emergency, too may calls or messages can overload your nearest tower, slowing down or blocking a life-saving warning.  Having a NOAA Weather Radio gives you another source of alerts, and because it is America’s official warning system, it works faster than any other device, including your phone," Jones added.

At the end of the day, NOAA Weather Radios provide life-saving alerts. 

"A Public Alert-certified weather radio is the fastest and most direct way to get emergency alerts because they come into your home directly from your nearest National Weather Service office.  These radios were designed to be “indoor tornado sirens”, but they also automatically alert you for hurricanes, wildfires, tsunamis, and more," Jones said.



Midland Radio makes the gold standard of NOAA Weather Radios.

The WR120 NOAA Weather Alert Radio features S.A.M.E. EZ localized programming so you can set it to get alerts for your specific area.

This radio will alert users to over 60 kinds of weather hazards and emergencies. When the National Weather Service issues a watch or warning, the WR120 will automatically alert you, giving you time to act. 

Ensure your family is safe by adding a WR120 to your home. 

While programming is easy, head here for more information on how to set up your WR120.