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October 16, 2020

Of all the natural disasters that wreak havoc in the United States, earthquakes are one of the scariest. There is no possible way to accurately predict when or where an earthquake will strike. That's why it is incredibly important to prepare for the destruction and other after-effects of this particular disaster with emergency kits for earthquakes. By having a few simple items in your earthquake emergency kit, you can make sure you and your family are prepared for earthquakes and any unexpected disaster, including tornados, hurricanes, fires, and more. Find out what to have in an earthquake kit below.

What Items You Should Have in Your Earthquake Emergency Kit

Flashlight and Batteries

Power failures are inevitable during and after an earthquake. If the grid has gone down and you cannot get electricity for days, you will need a light source. Flashlights are more effective than candles -- make sure you have a working flashlight plus batteries in your earthquake emergency kit. The ER210 and ER310 Emergency Crank Weather Radios feature a low-power, high-power, and strobe flashlight that is extremely handy if you are needing a light source or are trying to signal for help. These emergency radios also feature AM/FM and weather radio, a hand crank, solar charging, and a USB port to charge your cell phone. The ER310 also features an ultrasonic dog whistle which can help a dog find you if you are trapped.

A flashlight and weather radio are very important to keep in your emergency kit.


If you get stuck under rubble or trapped in a room that is not easily escapable, make sure you have a whistle within reach so rescue crews can hear you without having to waste energy by yelling.

Work Gloves

You never know the state of your surroundings following an earthquake -- you may have to dig around to find your belongings or other survivors. Loose wires, jagged stone edges, broken glass -- these are all potential threats you face while working through rubble. Make sure you have a sturdy pair of work gloves to help you.

Comfortable Walking Shoes

You may have to walk awhile to find shelter or resources if your cars are inoperable or if the streets are full of debris. You will want a pair of comfortable walking shoes in case this happens. It can be a pair of old running shoes -- just make sure you know where they are so you can reach them after a disaster.

Tool Kit

There are so many reasons to have a tool kit around, especially after a disaster. Having a wrench or gas valve tool in your emergency kit is extremely important in case you need to manually shut off your gas or any other appliance.

First Aid Kit

Falling debris is so dangerous during and after an earthquake. You can easily get hurt so make sure you have the appropriate items for a first aid kit. You will need antiseptic, gauze, bandages, ice packs, and pain relief medicine at the least. You can find more robust first aid kits with tourniquets and other items to treat more serious injuries as well.

Two-Way Radios

Be prepared for your cellphone to not work after a big disaster -- cell phone towers can be damaged or unusable if many people are calling to check on loved ones. Walkie talkies are a great way to communicate with others without needing a cell phone or internet. The T77VP5 kit contains two high-powered T71 walkie talkies, headsets, rechargeable batteries, and a desktop charger, all in a soft-shell case. This makes it easy to keep all these life-saving items in one place. Two-way radio communication is imperative if you are searching through rubble with others or if you need to call for help.

The T77VP5 is life-saving after a disaster.

Food and Water

The first 72 are on you -- if you are stranded after a disaster, it is said that you need enough food for each person AND pet for three days. Each person will need a gallon of water per day for drinking, cleaning and cooking. Your pets will also need plenty of water. Stock up on gallon water bottles, pet food and canned food (make sure you have a can opener!) in case you are trapped without any help.

Prescription Drugs

If you need prescription drugs to treat a condition, make sure you have plenty on hand. It could take a while to get your lifesaving medicine after an earthquake. Just be sure to check the expiration dates so you are not consuming expired medicine.

Even though it is scary to think about preparing for a life-threatening disaster, you will feel much more at peace knowing you have something planned for you and your family if something were to happen. Make sure you have the items above in your earthquake emergency kit.

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