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September 27, 2021

Midland Radio was proud to partner with the Super Jacks Jeep Jam. Several Jeep Groups in the Raleigh, NC area came together this month to raise money for a local boy at the event. The event raised over $8,000 this year.


Jack is an 11-year-old boy with a terminal illness. Doctors diagnosed Jack with Degenerative Cerebellar Atrophy, a PIGt mutation and Epileptic Apnea.

"Each day that we still have him is a blessing," Samantha Bray, one of the event organizers said.

He once had riding in a Jeep with no doors or top on his bucket list. Bray's husband heard about his wish when he was tagged on a Facebook post. Jack was able to check that item off his list at the first Super Jacks Jeep Jam in 2019.

While riding around in Jeeps can take a lot of energy, Jack enjoys every moment.

“He might get tired throughout the day, but he is always in high spirits," Bray said.



The fundraiser for Jacks' family includes a raffle and proceeds from t-shirts.

“When we met this family- they are just such a humble family and just deserve everything. They have this unfortunate event with their son so if we can give back and help them, why not.”

Up to 10 Jeep Clubs came out to the event, giving Jack the opportunity to ride around in, take photos with, and tour the decked out vehicles.

"Who doesn't love Jeeps? Jack loves them so we thought we'd incorporate them."

The event began with a convoy past Jack's house and to the event lot.

"The smile on his face says it all. He's our local superhero."

Jack rode with Bray's husband in a large, built out Jeep.

“He got to ride into, ‘Big Jack.’ That’s his theme song so he got to ride in with that blaring. He got to wave at everybody.”

The raffle featured donations from businesses local and national.

“We had a ton of raffle items this year. Everybody just pitched in and everybody just came together to give more to help to make sure we have what we needed to help this family.”

Midland Radio donated an ER310 E+ Ready Emergency Crank Radio, the GXT1000VP4, and the LXT630X3VP3 to the raffle.

The first Super Jacks Jeep Jam took place in 2019. Organizers cancelled the 2020 event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bray said the day was, "phenomenal."



Many of these in the Jeep clubs attending this event are no stranger to off-roading and/or overlanding.

Those off-roading and overlanding know just how important radios are for communication and safety.

“Radios are the best way for us to communicate on the trails and even sometimes in the convoy.”

Most often times, the Jeepers aren't getting cell service on the trails.

“It’s a necessity because when we go off-road, the cellphone signal isn’t working. It’s immediate communication for us and helps us stay safe if one of us needs help.”

Bray reached out to Midland Radio for the raffle because she knew how much she and others in her Jeep club enjoy Midland products.

"We love these radios and so I knew others in the Jeep community would too."

She spoke to the quality of her Midland radios.

“It’s nice to have a really reliable product that we can trust."

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