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March 17, 2022

Midland Radio is lucky to partner with outdoor adventurers in off-roading, hunting, fishing, skiing, camping, and other activities.

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, Midland Radio will let customers spin a wheel on its website offering various discounts March 15-18.

Because turkey hunting and fishing season is ramping up, Midland Radio is asking some of its adventure partners why they feel lucky to take part in outdoor activities.

Be sure to follow them on Instagram.

Peter Yeung

"I'm lucky to spend my time outdoors in my fishing kayak. It gives me endless fishing opportunities to be able to put the yak in the water, travel where boats can't, temporarily disconnect from society and it's great exercise."

Bryan Heward

"Luck definitely plays a large part into shed hunting. There are so many variables that have to align for you to be the first person to find a mature antler on the ground. Time is the largest factor that plays into being lucky while shed hunting. You increase your odds exponentially the more time you spend in the hills. That being said, I feel lucky to spend a weekend shed hunting regardless of what we may find. Shed hunting takes me to so many places I would have never seen or have experienced otherwise. I feel lucky just being able to do what I love, spending countless hours and hiking countless miles in God's amazing country."

Ryan Stewart

"As a hunter, adventurer, and outdoor enthusiast, I feel lucky to have the physical ability to hike and explore Mother Nature, in all her elements, in all her ruggedness. I am lucky to have family and friends who enjoy the same. When we’re off-grid, away from technology, without cell phone service, my Midland two-way walkies keep me in touch when we’re out in remote areas, giving me the peace of mind so we can communicate with each other. Keeping tab on my kids is of the utmost importance, life is short and the world is wide, and we are lucky to be able to explore it together!"


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