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October 21, 2020

With various hunting seasons coming up, we talked to some of our Midland hunting partners about how they stay prepared. Being in a field for hours at a time in potentially dangerous situations calls for knowing what to do and when to do it. We talked to @huntlete, @mtn_marty and @huntingwithmarcus about staying prepared during hunting season.

What comms do you use when hunting?

@huntlete: Cell phone - 2-way - need a satellite option.

@mtn_marty: Midland radios.

@huntingwithmarcus: Handhelds and MXT400 from ranger to handheld.


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Do you use the weather function on your comms?

@huntlete: Daily.

@mtn_marty: Yes.

How do you stay prepared in cases of emergency?

@huntlete: Knowing our location, fastest route to the truck or to cell service.

@mtn_marty: Comms, backup food and shelter, family who knows where I am at all times.

@huntingwithmarcus: First aid kit, comms, inReach for global rescue/search and rescue.


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Do you keep an emergency kit?

@huntlete: Small first aid kit.

@mtn_marty: Yes.

@huntingwithmarcus: Yes.

Have you ever experienced bad weather while on a hunting trip?

@huntlete: Occasional snow or small hail storm in the mountains. Small pop-up storms.

@mtn_marty: Yes.

@huntingwithmarcus: Yes. Socked in Alaska weather, pouring rain in Oregon.


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What is one piece of equipment you recommend to hunters in cases of emergency and to stay prepared?

@huntlete: A good first aid kit with a way to contact help.

@mtn_marty: A tourniquet.

@huntingwithmarcus: Major, life threatening emergencies - Garmin inReach for the SOS feature. Minor emergencies, typically first aid kit or comms.

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