National Preparedness Month Urges Americans To Have A Plan

September is National Preparedness Month. This month, FEMA is urging Americans to actively formulate preparedness plans -- not just for their families, but for their communities.
By now, most Americans have seen the haunting footage coming out of the Gulf Coast. Images of families trudging through contaminated flood water just to reach higher ground, begging for rescue on social media, people carrying their dogs through waist high water and children being airlifted off of roofs. Hurricane Harvey was a "500-year storm" and certainly is not the norm when it comes to severe weather, but those stuck behind in Houston and elsewhere along the Texas Gulf Coast serve as a grim reminder that an emergency preparedness plan is something that every family should have.
National Preparedness Month Weekly Themes
- Week 1:Â September 1-9 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Make a Plan for Yourself, Family and Friends
- Week 2:Â September 10-16 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Plan to Help Your Neighbor and Community
- Week 3:Â September 17-23 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Practice and Build Out Your Plans
- Week 4:Â September 24-30 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Get Involved! Be a Part of Something Larger
Social Media Hashtags
- #NatlPrep
- #PlanAhead
- #MidlandReady
Throughout the month of September, Midland will be participating in several social initiatives to promote preparedness all over the country. It doesn't matter where you live, it is vital for you and your family to have a plan for evacuations, natural disasters and any unforeseen circumstances that may cause you to be stranded in your home, or worse, abandon your home for extended periods of time.
Make time this week to sit down with your family to formulate your preparedness plan and take steps to educate your community. Even having a basic plan could make all the difference. If you already have a plan, make sure you talk to your neighbors and extended family about what they need to do to make sure they are prepared when life throws something unexpected their way.
For more information on National Preparedness Month and what you can do to get prepared, visit