September 02, 2020
With harvest just around the corner, we reached out to a few of our knowledgeable farming partners to get some insight on the harvesting process. Austin Debusk grew up helping out on his grandfather’s farm and currently works on a family corn and soybean farm in Southeast Kansas. He spoke to Midland recently about the best comms to use during harvest.
How did you get into farming?
I have always helped here and there on my grandpa’s farm growing up as a kid. I kinda shied away from it once I started playing sports but later got back into it when I got the opportunity to go on a custom wheat harvest crew when I was 19. I did that for 2 years and that’s when I realized that farming and running equipment is what I loved to do and enjoyed doing! I have worked for a few farms since then and have been at this one for the last 4 years now and still help on my grandpa’s farm when I am able to.